Load Balancer (DSR)

This service implements a Direct Server Return-based Load Balancer working at data-link layer. In this case, Ethernet/IP packets are delivered to the load balancer using its MAC address as destination, which is then replaced with the MAC address of the target server.


  • IPv4 support

  • Support load balancing of TCP, UDP and ICMP traffic

  • Support for a single Virtual IP (VIP)

  • Support for ARP reply directed to the VIP address

  • Support for two load balancing algorithm(s): hash on src_ip or hash on session parameters (sip, dip, sport, dport, proto)

  • Support for session persistency across multiple servers, through a session table that keeps track of existing connections

  • Replaces original destination MAC address with the MAC address of the actual server


  • Cannot support multiple VIPs

  • Does not implement any keep alive mechanism to recognize a server failure

  • Servers cannot be removed at runtime

How to use

Configure backend servers

You need to set the VIP on a loopback interface of the server and disable ARP responder (only on loopback interface):

sudo ifconfig lo netmask up
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore=1
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce=2

Use the load balancer

# create loadbalancer
polycubectl lbdsr add lb1

# add and connect ports
polycubectl lbdsr lb1 ports add frontend-port type=FRONTEND
polycubectl lbdsr lb1 ports add backend-port type=BACKEND
polycubectl lbdsr lb1 ports frontend-port set peer="veth1"
polycubectl lbdsr lb1 ports backend-port set peer="veth2"

# setup frontend vip and mac addresses
polycubectl lbdsr lb1 frontend set mac=aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
polycubectl lbdsr lb1 frontend set vip=

# configure backend server pool
polycubectl lbdsr lb1 backend pool add 1 mac=01:01:01:01:01:01
polycubectl lbdsr lb1 backend pool add 2 mac=02:02:02:02:02:02
polycubectl lbdsr lb1 backend pool add 3 mac=03:03:03:03:03:03