Tutorial 1: the simplebridge service

This tutorial shows how to create a simple topology with a bridge and a couple of virtual interfaces (netdev), belonging to different namespaces, attached to it.

 veth1 ------|   br0    |------ veth2
(netdev)     |  (cube)  |      (netdev)

Set up namespaces

The following code configures the network namespaces.

# namespace ns1 -> veth1
# namespace ns2 -> veth2

for i in `seq 1 2`;
    sudo ip netns del ns${i} > /dev/null 2>&1 # remove ns if already existed
    sudo ip link del veth${i} > /dev/null 2>&1

    sudo ip netns add ns${i}
    sudo ip link add veth${i}_ type veth peer name veth${i}
    sudo ip link set veth${i}_ netns ns${i}
    sudo ip netns exec ns${i} ip link set dev veth${i}_ up
    sudo ip link set dev veth${i} up
    sudo ip netns exec ns${i} ifconfig veth${i}_ 10.0.0.${i}/24

Deploy topology

Step 1: Create the bridge br1

polycubectl simplebridge add br1

If everything goes fine, you shouldn’t see any error message on the terminal.

Step 2: Add and connect ports

There are different ways to connect ports to netdevs, this step shows how to use the connect command and how to set the peer property.

Connect veth1 to br1

# way 1
# create new port on br1
polycubectl br1 ports add toveth1

# connect port to netdev
polycubectl connect br1:toveth1 veth1

Connect veth2 to br1

# way 2
# create a port and connect to a netdev using a single command
polycubectl br1 ports add toveth2 peer=veth2

Show the current status of br1 to check that it is configured as desired (ports are present and its peer are the veth interfaces)

polycubectl br1 show
name: br1
uuid: ed3e477a-4138-4638-9fe0-7cbd31f1d1fb
type: type_tc
loglevel: info
 aging-time: 300

 name     uuid                                  status  peer   mac
 toveth2  a13d533f-6aeb-49d0-a05c-a048dca31473  up      veth2  1a:68:52:5e:0b:05
 toveth1  d2f1b70b-ff41-4b08-b711-f1b1e9c84786  up      veth1  12:0d:1f:02:d6:3f

Step 3: Test the connectivity

Now you can test the connectivity between namespaces using ping:

# ping ns2 from ns1
sudo ip netns exec ns1 ping -c 1

# ping ns1 from ns2
sudo ip netns exec ns2 ping -c 1

After you perform the ping, you can show once again the br1 status, notice that there are new entries in the filtering database.

polycubectl br1 show
name: br1
uuid: ed3e477a-4138-4638-9fe0-7cbd31f1d1fb
type: type_tc
loglevel: info
 aging-time: 300

  address            port     age
  46:2b:1f:a3:d1:81  toveth2  4
  2a:d4:9a:9a:8b:b5  toveth1  4

 name     uuid                                  status  peer   mac
 toveth2  a13d533f-6aeb-49d0-a05c-a048dca31473  up      veth2  1a:68:52:5e:0b:05
 toveth1  d2f1b70b-ff41-4b08-b711-f1b1e9c84786  up      veth1  12:0d:1f:02:d6:3f

Step 4: Remove br1

# first remove the ports (this step is optional, removing the bridge will do it)
polycubectl br1 del ports toveth1
polycubectl br1 del ports toveth2
# then destroy the bridge
polycubectl del br1