polycubectl: The command-line onterface for Polycube

polycubectl is the Command Line Interface (CLI) for Polycube.

polycubectl is a generic CLI, that enables the user to interact with Cubes (bridge, router, …) and with some framework primitives to connect, show and build complex topologies.

polycubectl does not need to be modified when a new cube is developed ad added to Polycube. Its service-agnostic nature, thanks to the use of YANG data models, enables the CLI to be service-independent.


polycubectl is installed by default with Polycube. Refer to quickstart or general install guide for more info.

How to use

NOTE: polycubed must be running in order to use polycubectl. You can start the daemon typing sudo polycubed in another terminal. Refer to Quick Start.

# Show help
polycubectl --help
Keyword           Type      Description
simpleforwarder   service   Simple Forwarder Base Service
simplebridge      service   Simple L2 Bridge Service
router            service   Router Service
iptables          service   Iptables-clone Service
helloworld        service   Helloworld Service
ddosmitigator     service   DDoS Mitigator Service
firewall          service   Firewall Service
k8switch          service   Kubernetes HyperSwitch Service
k8sfilter         service   Kubernetes Traffic Filtering Service
lbdsr             service   LoadBalancer Direct Server Return Service
lbrp              service   LoadBalancer Reverse-Proxy Service
pbforwarder       service   Policy-Based Forwarder Service
bridge            service   Bridge Service
nat               service   NAT Service
packetcapture     service   Packetcapture Service

connect           command   Connect ports
disconnect        command   Disconnect ports

attach            command   Attach transparent cubes
detach            command   Detach transparent cubes

services          command   Show/Add/Del services (e.g. Bridge, Router, ..)
cubes             command   Show running service instances (e.g. br1, nat2, ..)
topology          command   Show topology of service instances
netdevs           command   Show net devices available

The general syntax for polycubectl is the following:

polycubectl [parent] [command] [child] [argument0=value0] [argument1=value1]
  • parent: path of the parent resource where the command has to be applied.
  • command: add, del, show, set or a yang action.
  • child: specific resource where the command is applied.
  • argument: some commands accept additional commands that are sent in the body request.

Some examples:

polycubectl router r0 add loglevel=debug
polycubectl r0 ports add port1 ip= netmask=
polycubectl r0 show routing table
polycubectl r0 ports port1 set peer=veth1
polycubectl r0 ports del port1

# yang action
polycubectl firewall1 chain ingress append src= action=DROP

The best way to know what is the syntax for each service is to use the Help or the bash completion by pressing <TAB> at any point.

polycubectl is also able to read the contents of the request from the standard input, it can be used in two ways:

Passing complex configuration from the command line

# create a helloworld instance with loglevel debug and action forward
polycubectl helloworld add hw0 << EOF
"loglevel": "debug",
"action": "forward"

Reading configuration from a file

# create helloworld from a yaml file
polycubectl helloworld add hw0 < hw0.yaml

# create a router from a json file
polycubectl router add r0 < r0.json

# add a list of cubes
polycubectl cubes add < mycubes.yaml


polycubectl provides an interactive way to navigate help.
At each depth level the user can type ? to get contextual help information.
The output of help command is basically a list of keywords that could be used (instead of ?), and is some case a list of parameters.
Following is an example of a possible interaction with help, to configure a router.
polycubectl router ?

Keyword  Type      Description
add      command   Add entry to a list
del      command   Delete entry of a list
show     command   Show entry or list [-normal | -brief | -verbose | -json | -yaml]
<name>   string    Name of the router service
polycubectl router add ?

Keyword             Type     Description
<name>              string   Name of the router service

Other parameters:
loglevel=value      string   Defines the logging level of a service instance, from none (OFF) to the most verbose (TRACE)

polycubectl router add router1 loglevel=INFO
polycubectl router add r1


The show command supports the -normal, -brief, -verbose, -json, -yaml flags that affects how the output is printed on the terminal.


The -hide=arg0[arg1[,arg2...]] flag allows to hide some elements in the output. It expects a list paths to resources to be hidden.


# hide ports from output
polycubectl router r0 show -hide=ports

# hide uuid of ports
polycubectl router r0 show -hide=ports.uuid

# hide uuids and mac ports
polycubectl router r0 show -hide=ports.uuid,ports.mac


More complete examples are available in tutorials.


By default, polycubectl contacts polycubed at http://localhost:9000/polycube/v1/. The user can override this configuration with following instructions.


  • debug shows HTTP requests and response sent and received by CLI
  • expert enables the possibility to add new services at runtime
  • url is the URL to contact polycubed
  • cert client certificate when using https
  • key client private key
  • cacert certification authority certificate that signed the server’s certificate

Configuration file

Configuration file is placed at $HOME/.config/polycube/polycubectl_config.yaml.

# debug: shows http method/url and body of the response
# expert: enables the possibility to add new services
# url: is the base URL to contact the rest server

debug: false
expert: true
url: http://localhost:9000/polycube/v1/
key: ""
cacert: ""
cert: ""

Environment variables

Following are available ENV variables:


A possible example of configuration is: