Dynmon service

Dynmon is a transparent service that allows the dynamic injection of eBPF code in the linux kernel, enabling the monitoring of the network traffic and the collection and exportation of custom metrics.

This service exploits the capabilities of Polycube to replace the eBPF code running in the dataplane and the use of eBPF maps to share data between the control plane and the data plane.


  • Transparent service, can be attached to any network interface and Polycube services
  • Support for the injection of any eBPF code at runtime
  • Support for eBPF maps content exportation through the REST interface as metrics
  • Support for two different exportation formats: JSON and OpenMetrics


  • The OpenMetrics format does not support complex data structures, hence the maps are exported only if their value type is a simple type (structs and unions are not supported)
  • The OpenMetrics Histogram and Summary metrics are not yet supported

How to use

Creating the service

#create the dynmon service instance
polycubectl dynmon add monitor

Configuring the data plane

In order to configure the dataplane of the service, a configuration JSON object must be sent to the control plane; this action cannot be done through the polycubectl tool as it does not handle complex inputs.

To send the data plane configuration to the control plane it is necessary to exploit the REST interface of the service, applying a PUT request to the /dataplane endpoint.

Configuration examples can be found in the examples directory.

Attaching to a interface

# Attach the service to a network interface
polycubectl attach monitor eno0

# Attach the service to a cube port
polycubectl attach monitor br1:toveth1

Collecting metrics

To collect the metrics of the service, two endpoints have been defined to enable the two possible exportation formats:

  • JSON format

    polycubectl monitor metrics show
  • OpenMetrics format

    polycubectl monitor open-metrics show

Dynmon Injector Tool

This tool allows the creation and the manipulation of a dynmon cube without using the standard polycubectl CLI.


Some dependencies are required for this tool to run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the tool

Usage: `dynmon_injector.py [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT] [-v] cube_name peer_interface path_to_dataplane`

positional arguments:
cube_name             indicates the name of the cube
peer_interface        indicates the network interface to connect the cube to
path_to_dataplane     indicates the path to the json file which contains the new dataplane configuration
                      which contains the new dataplane code and the metadata associated to the exported metrics

optional arguments:
-h, --help                        show this help message and exit
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS     set the polycube daemon ip address (default: localhost)
-p PORT, --port PORT              set the polycube daemon port (default: 9000)
-v, --version                     show program's version number and exit

Usage examples

basic usage:
./dynmon_injector.py monitor_0 eno1 ../examples/packet_counter.json

setting custom ip address and port to contact the polycube daemon:
./dynmon_injector.py -a -p 5840 monitor_0 eno1 ../examples/packet_counter.json

This tool creates a new dynmon cube with the given configuration and attaches it to the selected interface.

If the monitor already exists, the tool checks if the attached interface is the same used previously; if not, it detaches the cube from the previous interface and attaches it to the new one; then, the selected dataplane is injected.