Example 2 - VLANΒΆ

In this example we will test the VLAN support. We will configure two bridges, and four network namespaces connected to them.

          veth1                                            veth3                            
            |                                                |
            |                                                |
VLAN 1 -->  |                                                | <-- VLAN 1
       +----------+                                     +----------+
       |   br1    |-------------------------------------|   br2    |
       |  (cube)  |    ^                           ^    |  (cube)  |
       +---------.+    |                           |    +----------+
VLAN 2 -->  |       TRUNK mode                  TRUNK mode   | <-- VLAN 2
            |       allowed 1,2                 allowed 1,2  |
            |                                                |
          veth2                                            veth4                            

The following code configures the network namespaces and virtual network interfaces to be used.

# copy and paste in your terminal

# namespace ns1 -> veth1
# namespace ns2 -> veth2
# namespace ns3 -> veth3
# namespace ns4 -> veth4

for i in `seq 1 4`;
    sudo ip netns del ns${i} > /dev/null 2>&1 # remove ns if already existed
    sudo ip link del veth${i} > /dev/null 2>&1

    sudo ip netns add ns${i}
    sudo ip link add veth${i}_ type veth peer name veth${i}
    sudo ip link set veth${i}_ netns ns${i}
    sudo ip netns exec ns${i} ip link set dev veth${i}_ up
    sudo ip link set dev veth${i} up
    sudo ip netns exec ns${i} ifconfig veth${i}_ 10.0.0.${i}/24

Create bridge instances, and connect virtual interfaces to them

# create instances
polycubectl bridge add br1
polycubectl bridge add br2

# create ports on br1
polycubectl br1 ports add toveth1 peer=veth1
polycubectl br1 ports add toveth2 peer=veth2
polycubectl br1 ports add tobr2 mode=trunk

# create ports on br2
polycubectl br2 ports add toveth3 peer=veth3
polycubectl br2 ports add toveth4 peer=veth4
polycubectl br2 ports add tobr1 mode=trunk

# connect the two bridges
polycubectl connect br1:tobr2 br2:tobr1

Configure VLANs

# By default, ports are configured in access mode, with VLAN 1
# Instead, ports in trunk mode have VLAN 1 allowed by default
# (and that is also the native vlan)

# br1
polycubectl br1 ports toveth2 access set vlanid=2
polycubectl br1 ports tobr2 trunk allowed add 2

# br2
polycubectl br2 ports toveth4 access set vlanid=2
polycubectl br2 ports tobr1 trunk allowed add 2

Ping between namespaces

# ping ns3 from ns1
sudo ip netns exec ns1 ping # ok

# ping ns4 from ns2
sudo ip netns exec ns2 ping # ok

# ping ns4 from ns1
sudo ip netns exec ns1 ping # packet discarded by br2: not the same VLAN!

Delete bridges

polycubectl br1 del
polycubectl br2 del